
Why a degree ?

You want to do a degree but,
Why a degree:
Crisis and panic have swept markets globally, and financial engineering seems to be the cause of all of it.
•A degree is a “hard”, tangible skill and will be valued as ever in the future.
•Different regions (Asia, Middle East) and sectors (regulators, insurers, accounting firms, rating agencies) still have a shortage of quantitatively trained manpower.
•The lesson to take from this crisis is not that financial models should be thrown away, but instead that it is critically important that models are realistic and meaningful.

•Many of the structured products that were created will not disappear because there are often very good reasons why they exist.
•How does a degree compare to a certificate (eg. CFA, PRM, FRM)?

•While a certificate can serve it’s purpose, it is necessarily very broad, covering many topics with little depth.
•A degree should lead to an understanding of the basis of concepts, and not just the memorization of the concepts.
•The most important part is not what you learn

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